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Shame on you Byron! Or not...?

Post Represents: Sunday, September 4, 2011

Shame! Shame! Shame! Shame on you Byron Allen. My long journey to get in touch with Byron Allen possibly was a dead end long before it started. Its been a few months since his name came up but last week (Day 346 Wednesday, August 31, 2011) it was mentioned by a fellow acting student during a scene rehearsal. I have had reason to believe its some type of omen that has name keeps resurfacing over a year and a half later.  

This time my source claims to know someone that is in direct contact with him. Of course I encouraged my scene partner Dmitriy to look up my blog and my videos online first then put me in contact. He was impressed and he moved forward.

Today while at Lifebook's Potluck X2, he fully reiterated what he partly shared last week. Dmitriy my Russian friend said he spoke to his contact and he claims that Byron isn't interested in any ethic show ideas. Meaning he whats to have nothing to do with a show hosted by an African American person or ethic background. The reason for that is because those shows don't work with ratings. According to him, his source said that Byron is only looking for shows hosted by a blonde white girl with blue eyes.

Its hard enough for African American's as it is in Hollywood but when a brother thinks in those terms it only reinforces the battle with this stronghold. Shame on you Byron.

Byron Allen v.s. Motown Maurice 


Of course, I can't completely verify that my source information is 100% reputable; nonetheless, this is the existing reality. Furthermore, if this information isn't true still shame on him and his camp for not recognizing my greatness. I did my part and sent his assistants proper documentation.

Breaking News Update:

Its a good thing I put that disclaimer above and I didn't jump to any complete conclusions. As I was looking for a picture of him online I found this article: http://obnoxioustv.wordpress.com/2011/06/24/byron-allen-launchs-an-hd-station-for-african-americans-although-he-has-a-white-wife/

The Obnoxious TV blog states that although he has a white wife, he is soon creating a network for African Americans. Interesting. Maybe my source is wrong. Whatever the case is, they shouldn't of been wearing blindfolds.

Related Post: 

Courtroom Full of Surprises

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Who is Mr. Executive

Seeking The Executive Part 1

Semi Related Post: Token Black Guy

Final Thoughts

Whatever the case is, I'm done with trying to contact him. There isn't anything special that he is doing that I can't do. In fact, soon enough I will do it better.

As the quest continues...

The Future of Late Night 

Motown Maurice

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